Thursday, July 21, 2005

Disney Characters...

Parade of Dreams...

Another Fairy...


One of the angels...

Sunil, Kshitee, Gopal Kaka and family waiting for the Disney parade...

Legally driving underage

Everyone with 3D goggles...

Crowd waiting for "Honey, I shrunk the crowd"

Waiting in line

Chinmayee, Kshitee posing...

What did you say?

Soaked :)

Walking in Disney... Vinay and Sunil...

Waiting in line... Vinay, Kshitee, Sunil

Disneyland... MatterHorn

Universal Studios Trip

Lets have some coffee


Escalator.. Swati, Chinmayee and Kshitee

Trying to squeeze the group in...

Kshitee, Sunil, Swati

Chinmayee, Kshitee, Swati, Jitu and Vaibhav on escalator

Gopal Kaka, Chinmayee, Kaku, Vinay, Vaibhav, Jitu, Kshitee, Sunil, Swati

Sunil Barve and Devashish Bhate

Gopal Kaka and Family

Universal Studios

Vikram Gokhale, Sunil Narkar, Sunil Kakanchi Aai

Sunil Barve, Vijay Kenkare, Swati Chitnis, Kshitee Jog, Chinmayee Surve

Swati Chitnis, Kshitee Jog, Sunil Barve, Chinmayee Surve, Devashish Bhate

Swati Chitnis, Kshitee Jog, Chinmayee Surve, Devashish Bhate, Tanmay Bhide